A Sweet Book About Shapes

Sweet Shapes by Juana Medina

Sweet Shapes is a lovely book that will make any reader ready for a delicious treat! It reminds me of my youngest young son, who loved to make our traditional Zebra cake. I am sure his favourite part was licking the whipped cream off the spoon.

Suggested Activities at a Glance:

Activities To Do With Your Child Before Reading:

  • Talk about your favourite baked treats!

Suggested Activities While Reading:

  • Talk about the pictures and then compare the image to the shape in the corner of the pages
  • Encourage gentle handing of the book as you also encourage your little one to trace the shapes with their finger

Discussion Questions While Reading –

  • Do the treats good enough to eat? (Choose one to bake together; there are instructions to make chocolate-dipped strawberries at the back of the book)
  • Would it be nice to share these treats with a friend?
  • Who would you like to share with?
  • Which one would be interesting to make?

After Reading

  • Writing activity
  • What ingredients will you need to make the treat you chose?
  • Plan a trip to the grocery store
  • Make a treat, or if baking is not an option, try to purchase something special for the family or friends to enjoy (Maybe plan a tea party!)
  • Take pictures

Goals and Objectives for Sweet Shapes by Juana Medina (school-related goals for children beginning in kindergarten)


– Shows good listening and viewing

– Handles books respectfully by being gentle

– Points to the shape word and then traces the shape in the illustration

– Appreciates the artistry in books by talking about how the treats are used to create the animals

– Makes connections between books that are read aloud to him/her and his/her own experiences by talking about treats she has already tried. (e.g. rice crispy squares)

– Talks about ideas and can dictate to a scribe to share new learning by completing the Sweet Shapes “book review.”

– Uses drawing to share information by drawing and coloring his/her picture to the book review

– Printing letters begins with basic shapes

Numeracy (Math)

– Identify common shapes during reading by pointing to the pictures and while drawing pictures

– Beginning to understand measurement when helping to make the chosen treat

Citizenship and Identity Goals (Social Studies)

– Develop a sense of responsibility for personal actions, words, and choices when she decides who to share with

– Develop a sense of responsibility for personal actions by planning a trip to the grocery store

  • Choose a treat to make
  • Help make a shopping list
  • Help gather ingredients at the store
  • Plan a good time for baking
  • Help clean up

– Reflects on the following questions during reading, and this information could be added to the book review

  • What brings people together? 
  • What can I share?
  • What are the rules at home?
  • How can I help others? 

– Recognize familiar places while going to the grocery store

Environment and Social Responsibility (Science)

– Use the five senses to explore, investigate and describe the world while eating the treat (this could be an excellent time to talk about how the treat tastes and interesting describing words: tasty, delicious, yummy, heavenly, delectable, mouthwatering, tempting, etc.)

– Use simple tools in a safe and appropriate manner while baking

– Show care for materials and use without wasting while baking

Needed Materials:

– Hard copy of the book Sweet Shapes or any book that explains that shapes are all around

– Writing page 

Extra Materials:

– recipe

– Baking ingredients

– Other shape books or books about food

– Playdough (extend understanding by making shapes out of playdough)

– Shape sorting toys

– Building blocks

– Mosaic tiles

– Shape puzzles

– Tea set

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFIL8cykynE

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