“A Fun Little Book on Manners”

Am I Big Enough? By Julia Pinckney

I read this book with my granddaughter recently. She loved it! It reminded me of something a principal I worked for used to share over the announcements regularly. I am not sure where he found this idea, but it relates so well to this book! There are really ten magic words; ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘how many I help?’  

Encouraging manners is about learning to get along with others. Our principal would explain that we could get almost anything we want if we all used the ten magic words. Now that might raise red flags for some parents. It might sound ungracious or demanding. Let me explain! Being polite and well-manner also means cooperative and grateful. When children use their manners, others respond positively to them.

Am I Big Enough? is suitable for children between the ages of 3 & 6. As parents, it is essential to keep in mind age-appropriate expectations, and I fully believe that teaching should be authentic. When talking about waiting for a turn, for example, it is vital to acknowledge that that is hard. Providing strategies, role-playing, role-modelling, reading books, watching movies; there are many other ways to teach manners.  

After reading this book, it would be wonderful to continue to focus on the manners theme.

  1. Create some amazing handprint art based on the book and share something your little one is big enough to do.  
  2. My granddaughter and I have had a high-five day. I have a free PDF you can use to do this in my store.
  3. Finn visits the library. Discuss the good behaviour he shows and visit other places where your little one can practice. Talk about what went well and how things can be improved next time. Be patient learning takes time!
  4. Discuss shaking hands and practice what that looks like.
Am I Big Enough?
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