I came across a great quote, and I want to share it with you!
“Loving a child doesn’t mean giving in to all his whims: to love him is to bring out the best in him. To teach him to love what is difficult.” (Bruno Monsaingeon
Giving in is an accidental reward for negative behaviour. Parenting, in a proactive manner, will minimize those frustrating times. Being proactive means, setting up the expectations before the whining might happen. Remember to be consistent. Most important is acknowledging and encourage good behaviour.
Let’s explore some picture books to examine negative and positive behaviours.
Oh, No, George! by Chris Haughton
Fun things to do after reading this book:
- Bake a cake from scratch early during the day and wait until after supper to enjoy it.
How Do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
Fun things with this book:
- Retell the stories with dinosaur toys.
Parent Tips:
You are your child’s most influential teacher. They will do what you do. Consider this, if you use a time out as a discipline strategy, use them for yourself, as well. If you are about to react, instead of responding calmly, remove yourself from the situation to purposefully calm down. If you react and are regretful, say sorry! (Even though this may be extremely difficult.) Responding quietly and apologizing both model taking responsibility for your behaviour, which is ultimately what you want for your child.